Loudest Voice in the Room (2019)

Status serial : Încheiat
Sezoane : 1, Episoade : 7
Data apariţiei: 30-06-2019
Gen serial: War & Politics ,  Drama
Rating: 7.5 / 10 , 111 voturi
Durata: 50 min
Televiziune: Showtime

În peisajul mediatic de astăzi, un peisaj încărcat politic, nicio figură nu domină așa de tare, chiar și după moarte, ca Roger Ailes, cel ce a transformat Fox News într-o forță ce a schimbat în mod irevocabil conversația politică.
In today’s politically charged media landscape, no figure looms larger, even after his passing, than Roger Ailes, molding Fox News into a force that irrevocably impacted the highest levels of government. To understand the events that led to the rise of Donald Trump, one must understand Ailes. Loudest Voice in the Room takes on that challenge, focusing primarily on the past decade in which Ailes arguably became the Republican Party’s de facto leader, while also touching on defining events in Ailes’ life, including an initial meeting with Richard Nixon on the set of The Mike Douglas Show that gave birth to Ailes’ political career and also including the sexual harassment accusations and settlements that brought his Fox News reign to an end. Told through multiple points of view, the limited series aims to shed light on the psychology that drives the political process from the top down.

Loudest Voice in the Room (2019)

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